WBA In-Town

WBA In-Town


The Westfield Basketball Association is proud to welcome back the Recreation Basketball program for students in grades 2 through 12.

This program is played on Saturdays starting December 7, 2024 and ending March 8, 2025.  Practice and game times are combined in one session.  

For the early grades, the program is primarily instructional. We work with the players to help initiate an understanding and love of the game of basketball. As these are considered instructional leagues, we do not keep score in the "games" played and there are no playoffs or league champions. This program allows the coaches to work with players in game situations without worrying about winning or losing a game. The WBA encourages a greater emphasis on teaching at this level. We also understand the desire on the part of the players to actually play the game, so the sessions are split into two sections; the first is for instruction, while the second is for scrimmaging. Everyone gets to play equally.

Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 play more of a league type of program with referees, standings, and a championship tournament at the end of the year. Trophies or t-shirts are awarded to the league champions and runner ups. As the players get older (7th & 8th) there is less instructional time and more actual game time.

The high school boys program games are played on Saturday afternoons during the school year. They have 60 mins of game time with no instructional time.  11th and 12th grade teams are run by the student captains.  Teams are selected through a draft process.  

These programs need volunteer coaches in order to run!  We can’t do this without your help!  Basketball experience is not necessary, although it is appreciated.  Please register to volunteer when you sign your child up to play.  All coaches must take the Rutgers SAFETY Course and background information is required.

Beginning January 2024:  Players who are assigned to a travel team may not play in the In-Town/Rec program.


Please note that no drinks aside from water are allowed in the gyms and pop-up top water bottles are preferred to screw-off tops to reduce the possibilities of water spills.

Siblings or children not engaged in games should not be in hallways or other areas of the school buildings.  Everyone must remain in the gym and off of school equipment.  

Finally, we ask that all players remove all garbage that they bring with them into the gyms. We are guest of the Board of Education and we can lose the privilege of the gyms at any time at the discretion of the BOE or a school Principal.